The democratic company
Analysis & Numbers is an employee-owned and driven analyis and research company. We are a cooperative! As one of our employees, you also become an owner and an integral part of our business democracy. All regular employees are partners, have the same salary, and participate equally in all meetings and committees that shape and develop our company further.
The word cooperative means cooperation, and one thing that cooperatives have in common is that they are value based organisations. Cooperatives strive to create the greatest possible benefit, rather than the greatest possible profit. Cooperatives come in many shapes and forms: from cooperatives owned by members and joint-stock companies, to associations and foundations. Some are co-owned by customers, some by their producers, and others by employees.
Analysis & Numbers legal structure is F.M.B.A. in Danmark, and SA in Norway. In our company, the employees are key to a functional democratic organisational structure, and one of our core pillars is that the company exists for its employees.
Analysis & Numbers fundamental principles are described in our cooperative manifesto:
#01 Democratic governance
We, Analysis & Numbers, are a democratic organisation that is managed by the employees. We make decisions together: one employee - one vote.
#02 Equal pay
We all have a shared responsibility to contribute to the common good. We celebrate our victories as a result of joint efforts - that's why we have the same salary.
#03 Financial independence
We are independent of commercial and political interests.
#04 Knowledge as a driver of change
We produce knowledge of high, professional quality that creates change and public debate. We believe that better insight into social, economic and technological issues contributes to a more democratic, equal and socially just society.
#05 Our triple bottom line
We value a healthy work-life and tasks that make a difference to our society as much as our financial profits.
#06 Contributing to society
We believe in the cooperative movement, and work to promote it in the Nordics. We support and participate in initiatives, organisations and activities that contribute to a more democratic and socially just society.
We are a democratically organised company, where all employees are owners and contribute in the internal decision-making process. Therefore, we place and distribute responsibility and management between us. Our joint regular meetings are the heart of the company, where decisions are made. The committees are made up of employees from the company who work on specific areas of responsibility. Our well-being groups help to ensure a good working environment for everyone who works with us. Furthermore, Analysis & Numbers has an external board that is tasked to ensure the company lives up to its goals. Because we have replaced hierarchy with a flat structure, our organisational chart looks like this: